Sunday, December 5, 2010


I know what you're thinking, but not those types of scales!
I'm thinking of the scales that fell off of the blind man's eyes when Jesus restored his sight.
Our minds are powerful tools if trained and focused, but our minds can also destroy us. Obsessive thoughts can bring me to my knees, crying out to God for mercy. Often these thoughts do not reflect reality as much as they reflect my own fears. I have long been a slave to these types of thoughts. I would like to share with you how I learned to control and overcome such thoughts, but I have no clue and believe I could still be a slave to them! I have no clue other than that tonight God did for me a beautiful and merciful thing. He worked, and through his mysterious actions, he removed the scales from my mind's eyes concerning the one issue most symbolic and central to my anxieties and insecurities and fears. Of course it involves a chick, but details are not important here. This has been the thorn in my side, to say the least, and may still be, but this night, in the midst of what, based on circumstances, should be the most hellish and tortuous of my life....peace. The warm hand of God on my shoulder, and the perhaps fleeting ability to see reality free from my fears and inner accusers. I thank God.

I realize how much my 'need' to get in shape quickly is based also on my poisonous obsessions. In this moment of clarity, I'm not feeling that I can't be happy until I am fit. I am just feeling like myself, and, instead of an anxious urgency, I have a peace about me, and an assurance that I will get there in time as long as I continue this path. Scales.


  1. A beautiful analogy Gave. We need Christ to remove those scales so that we can truly see. Makes me think of the movie coming out this week--Voyage of the Dawn Treader--scales are very much of that story as well and only Aslan--we know Him as the Lion of Judah--is able to remove them. With God as your strength, you WILL continue to go forward.

  2. Awesome!! You are such a great writer with a great heart and insight!

  3. That is the key...It is not in getting in shape, it is seeing you as you really are, and making yourself be the best you can be. It is transforming your life, from the inside out! You can do it. I am proud of you! Don't let obsessions rule you. You are better than that. God says you are a holy righteous child of God. He is the reason we are all on this journey. Can't wait to see what God does next! Kathleen
